Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the final task

 Hello! My name is Emma and I am in 10th grade. I attend a high school in Florida and am taking AICE Media Studies this year. So far the class has been incredibly fun and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the projects I have done so far. I’m writing these blogs to record my process throughout my AICE Media Studies class. On January 14th we began our final task. My teacher informed us that the final task would be to film the first 2 minutes of a movie that we came up with. My first step was to decide who I would work with. After finding people with similar ideas for the project, I formed a group with Hailey and Deedi. We all were interested in making a movie that was either a horror or drama so we decided to group up. 

 During the first semester of the school year, I have learned a lot in AICE Media Studies. In my first project I learned the basics of filming and editing. This included figuring out how to use the cameras, which was relatively easy. As well as all the camera angles and terminologies that are essential for filming. I also learned how to set up the tripod and attach the camera to it. One major thing I learned during the first project was to film each scene multiple times, since we had lost more than half our footage. Throughout the second project I learned how to use the effects and settings on the editing program. This included all the techniques that made the process a lot simpler. I also learned how to direct while filming. Since I was an actor in the first project, I hadn’t had a chance to direct. Therefore, I had fun learning how to direct during the second project. Lastly, I learned a bunch of valuable skills for working with a group and with teamwork. I’m also looking forward to editing as it is my favorite process in each project.

 When it came to what we wanted to do for the final task, we chose to each come up with a pitch for the project. Now you may be asking “What is a pitch?” Well a pitch is defined as an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. They usually are one sentence and supposed to leave whoever the pitch is being presented to interested and wanting to know more. The first pitch we came up with was a movie where the main character is below average height and will showcase the challenges and struggles that they encounter on a day to day basis. The second pitch we came up with was a plot where someone has become addicted to social media and the repercussions of the addiction. For example, maybe someone begins to stalk them or they’re peers become concerned for their well being. The final pitch we formulated involved one person being stalked by a group of people at all times but they are completely oblivious that they’re being followed. Overall, I am incredibly excited for the final task and can’t wait to begin filming!

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