Thursday, November 21, 2019

Storyboard Blog

  Today, in our AICE Media Studies class, we made our storyboard. We also planned out our whole music video sequence and more of the props and other various things. We finalized our costumes and locations and made sure our actors were free on our selected dates. We also checked out a camera so we could film over the weekend. Finally, we made plans to go buy sparklers before we film on the weekend.
  As for the storyboard, our first panel is a high angle showing one of our actors texting on a phone about meeting up to go to the movies. This is during the line in the song, 'I'll see you at the movies.' After they get a response to the message, the camera pans up to the actors face. The actors face is cut off at the nose so their eyes cannot be seen but they're smiling. The actor is wearing red lipstick as the song says the line, 'I'll see you with your lipstick on.' On the next panel, the same actor is shown in her costume looking in a mirror at herself. She'll be adjusting her clothes and making sure she's ready. As she does this the song will say the lines, 'I'm looking out for cosmos. I'm hoping that we'll get along.' It's a low angle as well as a medium shot so you can only see from her knees to her collar since we're choosing to not show their faces till the end of the music video. This is because the song is about change and new beginnings so we decided it would be cool to not show their faces till the end. On the next panel, our other actor is depicted getting in a car and placing sparklers on the passenger seat. The shot is a low angle that's inspired by a trunk shot, since we got the idea when trying to include a trunk shot. However, we moved the camera to the passenger seat as we felt it made more sense. The lines during the shot is 'It's time for renovation. It's time for us to make a change.' The next panel shows scenery through the passenger side window of a car. During the scene the song will be saying, 'It's time for a Chinese new year.' This will be a wide shot. The next panel depicts our first actor waiting at the movie theater and it will be a close up on a pair of red shoes she is wearing. She will be rocking back and forth on her heels as if she's waiting. This will be on the line, 'It's time for me to make a way.'
 After that the following panel shows our actors on a couch moving positions with jump cuts in between. It will be a two shot and full body. The actors will switch positions with each line and be in different positions after each cut. The next panel would be an establishing shot of the movie theater as the actors leave the theater. It will be a two shot and wide shot. Also, the camera will slowly zoom in on the two actors. This will be on the line, 'I'll see you at the movies.' The panel after that shows the two actors walking down the street to the park. It will be a two shot and full body except for their heads. It will also be a tracking shot so the camera will follow them for a while. This is during the line, 'I'll see you with your lipstick on.' The next panel is the two actors looking up at the stars on a blanket with the sparklers laid off to the side. The scene will be a low angle and two shot that shows both the sky and grass where the actors are sitting. This is on the line, 'I'm looking out for cosmos.' On the next panel, the second actor hands the first actor a sparkler and they both light them. The shot is a medium close up and eye level. This scene is during the lines, 'I'm hoping that we'll get along. It's time for renovation.' The last panel depicts an over the shoulder shot of the the actors playing with sparklers and smiling. It will the cut to an over the shoulder shot of the other actor doing the same. Also, it will be a medium shot and will show the actors faces for the first time in the music video. This will be on the line, 'It's time for us to make a change. It's time for a Chinese new year.' Overall, we're really excited to start filming over the weekend and get to work on the project.

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