Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Editing Lesson

 Today in my AICE Media Studies class we learned about how to use our cameras for filming and how to edit our footage. We first learned how to use a Cannon camera and how to attach it to a tripod. We also learned exactly how to set up a tripod so it is stable and at the height we need it at to film. As well as, how to allow movement on the tripod to film a pan or tilt. Additionally, we learned how to “dump” footage onto a computer from a camera. To do this we put the SD card in the computer and a file should pop up. Then we go to DCIM to view the footage on the SD card. From there, we highlight the clips and drag them to a folder that we made for the commercial, before ejecting the SD card. Then click on the software platform, Pinnacle Studio, which is where the footage will be edited.

 Once on Pinnacle Studio, we go to import and click on the plus sign next to desktop. We then find our folder and the footage should be inside. We press “start import” and move the raw footage, unedited footage to AV track 2. There should be three tracks listed 1-3; the first is for titles, the second is for footage, and the third is for music. After the clips load, the play bar can be used to view parts of each clip as well as to cut unwanted footage. To cut footage we move the play bar to before the unwanted footage and then click on the razor blade icon to split the clip. To reverse anything that has been done we can use the back button or go to file and then undo. Next, we open the effects editor where we can add effects and transitions. To detach sound we simply can press track, right click and then detached audio. Then transfer audio to track and delete the audio. We can also press mute to remove sound for the entire track.

 To add titles to the commercial, we go into editing and press “t”, which will then add a text box where we can type, change fonts, change colors, etc. Next press “Okay” and let it load before moving it to AV track 1. After letting it load again, we can hit double click to edit and use motion. Go to file, save, and same it to your folder so it can be edited later. To turn the commercial in press “export”, then “NPEG4”. Once done with that, select preset SD-S quality, then start the export. We also learned about rendering, which is when all the aspects come together to make a smooth product. Overall, the information that we learned today is incredibly useful and important.

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