While we may not have been able to edit during this class, we did edit quite a bit last class. Last class we finished our filming with a good amount of class left. We then went back to class and dumped the rest of our footage onto the computers. Since the computers were working at the time, we were able to dump our footage. We decided to put the footage on a flash drive as well so we had access to it incase anything happened during editing. Pinnacle Studio was also working, so we began the editing process. I then opened Pinnacle Studio to move the footage onto the editing software. Importing was not very difficult and didn’t take a long time. I then looked at the different features that we could use on Pinnacle Studio to edit. We soon started doing some editing. One of the first things we did was ask our teacher to help teach us to use a split screen. We had decided early on to have a split screen in one of our shots but we were not quite sure how to edit the footage to make a split screen. The teacher sat down with us and showed us in detail how to make a split screen. It was actually reasonably easy to do a split screen. Just as we were finishing the split screen, the computer began to have issues. We had to shut the computer down due to the issue and class soon ended.
Since we were not able to edit we instead worked on a plan for our editing process. We discussed different elements we wanted to include in the commercial. We figured out what transitions we wanted to use and the types lighting and sound we were going to use to. We spent a while discussing the music that would be in the background during the commercial. We planned out the order of the footage and what order we planned to edit the footage in. Due to this we will be able to edit immediately when we get the laptops and won’t have to worry about these things. Overall the issues with the current computers were both positive and negative. While we weren’t able to edit because of the issue, it gave us time to plan out the editing process which will be beneficial for when we begin editing. The plan will make sure we stay on task and finish the editing process effectively and quickly.